3525 Decatur Avenue, Bronx, NY 10467
718-515-2800 or 718-515-2803 (TDD/TTY)
Services available to domestic violence victims who have disabilities and thus cannot
receive mainstream domestic violence services. Services include counseling; crisis
intervention; information and referral; advocacy services for social services, entitlement
and housing; legal advocacy for orders of protection, tracking court proceedings
and linkages with appropriate legal services; and transportation to receive services.
Also provide outreach, sensitivity training and resource information about disability
and accessibility to domestic violence service providers, as well as Americans with
Disabilities Act training's to them to improve access to shelters.
Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Payments accepted: FREE.
Languages (other than English): Spanish, American Sign Language.
Hearing impaired, wheelchair accessible.